Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Kingfisher of Road P

Yesterday I posted pics of the cormorant we saw on County Road P in Willows, CA, on the way to the Sacramento NWR. What I didn't mention was the cool little kingfisher that was just up the road.

Can you spot her in the tree on the left, to the right of the silos?
There she is, right smack dab in the middle of the photo...

I don't know if I've ever seen a bird as charismatic as a kingfisher. She was a delight to watch and luckily there is very little traffic on this country road so that we could stop and get some pics.

As birds always do, she flew off and later we saw her down the road on a telephone wire.
I like knowing that this little road in the middle of all the picturesque scenery is her territory.
I hope to see her again the next time we drive by!

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