Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Gray Lodge Wildlife Area Part Three

More photos from our visit to the Gray Lodge Wildlife Area...

Gray Lodge Wildlife Area California

Commonly Beautiful

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
Mallards might be one of the most common ducks we see at the Sacramento NWR, but we still enjoy seeing their vibrant plumage...
Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Male Mallard Ducks

Monday, November 28, 2016

Gray Lodge Wildlife Area Part Two

As I mentioned yesterday, Gray Lodge Wildlife Area is one of the most beautiful birding hotspots I've ever been to. If you're doing a Big Year, stop by here first and check a handful of birds off your list...
great egret

Gray Lodge Wildlife Area

Gray Lodge Wildlife Area

Gray Lodge Wildlife Area

Look Closely!

One thing I've learned while birding is to always take a closer look at the birds you see. At first glance (with the naked eye), hubby and I thought these were just a couple of coots.
After taking a closer look, you can plainly see that the duck on the left is definitely not a coot. It's a Ring-necked Duck!
Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
What's really exciting is that we haven't seen one yet this year and can add it to the Big Year list!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Gray Lodge Wildlife Area Part One

Gray Lodge Wildlife Area, where have you been all my life?!

While we were in the visitor's center at the Sacramento NWR asking about good places to see Wood Ducks (we STILL have yet to see one!), it was suggested that the elusive ducks like to hang out at Gray Lodge. We might not have spotted any wood ducks, but the visit to this incredibly beautiful place was well worth it! Out of all the refuges in Northern California, this might be the best, most well designed. There is all kinds of habitats for every different kind of bird and the auto tour was amazing.

Gray Lodge Wildlife Area
 There were tons of ducks, mostly wigeons.
Gray Lodge Wildlife Area California

I'll post more pics from our visit to Gray Lodge in the coming days...

Growing Up Gracefully

Immature Snowy Egrets look a little more ruffled than their adult counterparts...
Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
 And the yellow strip up the back of their legs is a great way to help you identify them...
Immature Snowy Egret

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
(Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge)

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Old Friends

Colusa National Wildlife Refuge is the best place to find night herons. I'm still amazed by how different the juveniles look from the adults!
Colusa National Wildlife Refuge

juvenile black crowned night heron

Colusa National Wildlife Refuge
And, of course, we seem to see beautiful hawks wherever we go, Colusa included!

Mixin' It Up

We always see a nice mix of wildlife at the Sacramento NWR...
In this photo alone you can see Greater White-fronted Geese, American Wigeons, Mallards, and Northern Pintails...

Friday, November 25, 2016

High Voltage

Driving on the backroads to the refuge, it's important to remember to watch the telephone wires for birds. You never know what you're going to find!

Where Credit Is Due

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
I wish I could take credit for these amazing Snowy Egret photos, but my hubby is the one who took them!
Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
On the auto tour at the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, there was more wildlife on the driver's side of the car and hubby had the chance to take the best photos of the day...
Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
Snowy Egret

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
Thanks, honey!