Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Birds of Gray Lodge Video

You never know what types of birds you're going to spot at Gray Lodge Wildlife Area in Gridley, California!

Gray Lodge's diversity and location along the Pacific Flyway make it a haven for wildlife. Surrounded by miles of rich agricultural lands, the approximately 9,100-acre area is managed for the wildlife that call Gray Lodge home for all or part of the year. Reflective ponds, grassy fields and wooded riparian areas provide food, water and shelter for more than 300 species of resident and migrant birds and mammals.

Here's a video showcasing the highlights from my visits throughout the seasons...

Find lots more birding videos on my YouTube channel!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Backroads & Country Birds

Northern Mockingbird
I know the minute I mention backroad birding, you're automatically thinking Road P, but this time I'm posting about a different country road, I swear!
American Kestrel
We had just as much luck birding on Colusa Highway/Gridley Road and Butler Road in Butte County, California.
Red-tailed Hawk

Great Egret

White-faced Ibis

Great Blue Heron

Let's go birding!
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Friday, October 26, 2018

Clockwork Cranes

Every year, we look forward to the arrival of the Sandhill Cranes in our area!
They travel such a long ways during their migration and it's nice to see them stopover in our little part of the world.

We spotted these at Llano Seco...

Let's go birding!
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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Falliday Birds

If you follow my blog, you know we've been spending a lot of time in Lassen Volcanic National Park. Not only is the park insanely beautiful, but it's also about twenty degrees cooler up in the mountains than it is down here in the valley. And since we're at the tail end of a summer that refuses to give into Autumn and the call of pumpkin spice and hot beverages, there's no place I'd rather be than at 7400 foot elevation!

Here are a few of the birds that were cooperative enough to let me take their picture during our hike to Cold Boiling Lake...
Lassen Volcanic National Park
White-crowned Sparrow

Lassen Volcanic National Park
Red-breasted Nuthatch

THIS is not a bird, but it sure looked like one with the naked eye!
Pine cone mimicking a Snowy Owl to give unsuspecting birders a thrill

Lassen Volcanic National Park
Golden-crowned Sparrow

Lassen Volcanic National Park
 For more information about the park and photos from our hike, please visit my travel blog Vaughn the Road Again!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Birding at Juniper Lake ☼ Lassen

Here are a few more birds from our hike in Lassen Volcanic National Park...

Juvenile Northern Flicker

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Birds found in Lassen National Park
Peek-a-boo! Anyone in there???

Dark-eyed Junco

Steller's Jay
(This guy appears in the video I posted on my travel blog Vaughn the Road Again, playing around with a pine cone!)

Osprey soaring over Juniper Lake

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Birding at Horseshoe Lake ☼ Lassen

We saw the cutest little Flicker when we were hiking to Horseshoe Lake in Lassen Volcanic National Park!
Juvenile Northern Flicker

Lassen National Park birds birding birdwatching

The birds in the mountains are much more difficult to photograph than the ones at my local wildlife refuge! They are all so busy doing their thing that they don't think about stopping for a second and posing for the camera. Once in a while I get lucky and find a few photos to post from our hikes!
Hairy Woodpecker

Dark-eyed Junco

Townsend's Solitaire

Clark's Nutcracker

Juvenile Townsend's Solitaire

For more info about our hike and photos of Horseshoe Lake, head on over to my travel blog Vaughn the Road Again!

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