Wednesday, December 4, 2002

Cool Dude

Today we saw a Northern Flicker in the front yard. He was foraging in the grass. The one we saw was actually a Red-shafted male because it had the red cheeks, black bib and red stripe on its tail. Apparently they're one of the only woodpeckers to find food primarily on the ground. He was really pretty with a gray head and dark tan forehead and spots all over.

Pop! Goes the Sparrow

I put out some popcorn in the back this morning. The word must be out because there are so many House Sparrows on the feeder and on the ground that they are literally fighting for space. They seem to be taking turns, though, because they're constantly flying and landing again.

I'm sure we have 200 different kinds of sparrows, but it's hard to identify them when they all look so much alike.