Thursday, May 30, 2024

Female Red-winged Blackbirds

female red winged blackbird sacramento national wildlife refuge northern california birds birding photography birdwatching hotspots

We rarely see female Red-winged Blackbirds. It's usually the males who are up on the reeds showing off while the ladies keep a low profile...

female red winged blackbird sacramento national wildlife refuge northern california birds birding photography birdwatching hotspots

female red winged blackbird sacramento national wildlife refuge northern california birds birding photography birdwatching hotspots

female red winged blackbird sacramento national wildlife refuge northern california birds birding photography birdwatching hotspots

female red winged blackbird sacramento national wildlife refuge northern california birds birding photography birdwatching hotspots

Let's go birding!
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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Waddle Crossing

It's been a minute since we've seen a Cinnamon Teal...

male cinnamon teal duck sacramento national wildlife refuge complex logan creek trail birding photography bird pacific flyway northern california sightings birdwatching

The water was so shallow here that this guy did a little swim/walk maneuver while trying to escape the camera lens.

male cinnamon teal duck sacramento national wildlife refuge complex logan creek trail birding photography bird pacific flyway northern california sightings birdwatching

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex  
Logan Creek Trail

male cinnamon teal duck sacramento national wildlife refuge complex logan creek trail birding photography bird pacific flyway northern california sightings birdwatching

Let's go birding!
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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Welcome to Wings and Daydreams!

I thought it was time to update my intro video on YouTubeYouTube and I'm thrilled with how it turned out...

Let's go birding!
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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Shrike Three!

loggerhead shrike pair sacramento national wildlife refuge northern california birds birding hotspots pacific flyway birdwatching photography birder

This was only our third Shrike sighting and we were lucky enough to see two!

loggerhead shrike pair sacramento national wildlife refuge northern california birds birding hotspots pacific flyway birdwatching photography birder

Loggerhead Shrikes
Sacramento NWR

loggerhead shrike pair sacramento national wildlife refuge northern california birds birding hotspots pacific flyway birdwatching photography birder

Let's go birding!
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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Monday, May 6, 2024

Trick of the Eye

Did you think this was an owl at first glance?

bird nest sacramento national wildlife refuge northern california birding hotspots pacific flyway birder photography

When we were walking along the marsh trail at the Sacramento NWR,
we sure thought this might be an owl!

bird nest sacramento national wildlife refuge northern california birding hotspots pacific flyway birder photography

Just a perfectly crafted nest...

bird nest sacramento national wildlife refuge northern california birding hotspots pacific flyway birder photography

Let's go birding!
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