Wednesday, October 18, 2017

They're Back!

The Sandhill Cranes have returned to Llano Seco!
Llano Seco Unit North Central Valley Wildlife Management Area Chico birding

We were so excited to see them exactly a year ago today from the first time we ever saw a Sandhill Crane!
sandhill cranes

Llano Seco Unit North Central Valley Wildlife Management Area Chico birding

 We were on the walking trail right as the sun came up at 7:15.
Because of the Sonoma fires blowing smoke our way (these photos were taken a week ago), there was a haze over the sun, casting it in a pink glow...

I love taking photos of cranes in flight because they are slow-moving and I can actually follow them with my camera!

It's nice to have a set date of when we can expect their arrival during their winter migration stop-over from up north...
Llano Seco Unit North Central Valley Wildlife Management Area Chico birding

sandhill crane

 Safe travels, my friends!
Llano Seco Unit North Central Valley Wildlife Management Area Chico birding

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