Sunday, July 9, 2017

Youthful Summer

Right before you get to the entrance of the Gray Lodge Wildlife Area, there is a pretty little pond. We usually see some sort of duck swimming around in this picturesque spot and this time we saw a juvenile Pied-billed Grebe!
I know the lighting isn't the greatest (these photos were taken early morning on a cloudy day), but what a joy it was to watch him diving down into the water.

 He was all by himself, but doing a great job of fishing.

Gray Lodge Wildlife Area Gridley California birding hotspot
 Head-on, it looks like he's wearing a sinister smile!

juvenile pied-billed grebe

Gray Lodge Wildlife Area Gridley California birding hotspot
I wonder if he was born by this pond or if he flew in later. Either way, it makes me wonder where his parents are. They sure leave their young to fend for themselves at a young age!

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