Today's post is jam-packed full of photos from one of my favorite places on the planet. Road P.
The south end of County Road P in Willows, California, to be exact. I've mentioned this backroad gem before and it's because we've found some of the best birding opportunities here where you'd least expect them. Road P (Road 60 is the crossroad) is located near the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge and there have been times we've seen more birds here than at the refuge. This time was no different.In fact, we drove up on an egret party of sorts...
There were Great Egrets (about forty of them altogether!), Snowy Egrets, Great Blue Herons and even twenty or so White-faced Ibises, all congregated together in and around the irrigation ditch.
We usually see a few Kestrels on this road and have even seen a Cormorant, Osprey and a Kingfisher who makes his home on this road, but we've never come upon such a large group of egrets before.
As wonderful as the refuge is, Road P consistently delivers when it comes to birds!
Tomorrow, I'm sharing the bird we just added as #164 on our Big Year list. And (you guessed it!) we saw it on Road P...
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