Thursday, April 17, 2003

The Place to Be

Well, we headed out to the bird place again today. We got an annual pass so we can just go back whenever we want. We saw a few new things and it was still an incredible experience. It seems to get better every time. I can't imagine going in the fall when everyone comes back for winter. It's supposed to be the best time to go, but we've been going when there's hardly anyone left and we're still seeing tons of new stuff every time.

We saw a few Common Moorhens. They look like a Coot, but have a red bill instead of white. We saw more American Avocets with their scooped up bill, brown head and black/white body, Green-winged Teals and American Wigeons. Northern Shovelers have a huge spoonbill!

And I figured out that the gray herons we keep seeing are actually Great Blue Herons. We heard the Least Bittern and it sounds like a jungle bird. I don't think we've actually seen one though.

And best of all, we saw a whole flock of American White Pelicans. They are huge! I never even thought pelicans lived anywhere but on the coast.

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