Thursday, June 6, 2024

Spotted Sandpiper Sighting

Spotted Sandpiper
Manzanita Lake
Lassen Volcanic National Park

spotted sandpiper manzanita lake lassen volcanic national park northern california birds birding birdwatching

spotted sandpiper manzanita lake lassen volcanic national park northern california birds birding birdwatching

spotted sandpiper manzanita lake lassen volcanic national park northern california birds birding birdwatching

spotted sandpiper manzanita lake lassen volcanic national park northern california birds birding birdwatching

I didn't realize there were three of them until hubby pointed them all out.
You can see the third one flying off in a blur in the photo below...

spotted sandpiper manzanita lake lassen volcanic national park northern california birds birding birdwatching

Let's go birding!
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