Sunday, June 2, 2019

SacValley Birding Hotspot ☼ Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge California
One of the great things about the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge is that you can drive through the auto tour and then turn right back around and go through it again and see completely different birds. The wildlife and waterfowl is always busy fishing and hunting and they move around a lot, creating some fantastic photo ops for those of us who love spotting new birds.
Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge California birding hotspot
You don't even have to get out of your car to get some amazing photos. But if you do, there's always the observation platform about halfway into the auto tour and it offers some great views of the refuge. I spotted several Yellow-rumped Warblers flittering around in the trees and waited patiently until one sat still long enough for me to snap a quick photo. Out of all the birds, I've found that these little go-getters are by far the most difficult to get pictures of. They never stop moving! So, even though this one's in the shade, I consider it a triumph!

Today's video is a compilation of the birds we saw during our latest visit to the refuge. Some of the birds featured are: Great Blue HeronRed-tailed HawkBlack-necked StiltWhite-faced IbisDouble-crested CormorantWestern KingbirdBlack PhoebeYellow-rumped WarblerGreat Egret, Northern Harrier, and some more of the Pond Turtles that I love so much.

Let's go birding!
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